Alzheimer Scotland Inverclyde

Voluntary Organisation or Charity

Last updated 2 years ago

Alzheimer Scotland Inverclyde

01475 261100
1 Nicol Street, Greenock, PA16 7EN (around km away)
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Advice Peer Support Dementia/Alzheimers

About the Service

Alzheimer Scotland is Scotland’s national dementia charity. Our aim is to make sure nobody faces dementia alone. We provide support and information to people with dementia, their carers, and families.

Our Inverclyde Resource Centre is located at Nicol Street in Greenock PA16 7EN. The centre provides a safe and friendly environment for people with dementia and their carers to visit and chat to trained staff, and get advice, and information.

Dementia Advisor – is available to provide information, advice, emotional support etc. to people living with dementia and their carers.  

Community Based Groups - We facilitate Community based Group support – such as Carer Groups, Football Memories, Friendship Group, Musical Minds, and a dementia friendly allotment. Call us for up-to-date information on 01475 261100.

Dementia Reference Group (active Voice) - We promote positive engagement with those living with dementia and their carers. One vehicle for supporting engagement is our Inverclyde Dementia Reference Group (which we facilitate in partnership with Your Voice) – 

Dementia Friends Sessions - Designed to raise awareness of dementia and reduce stigma. We offer these free interactive sessions to local organisations, businesses, community groups, schools etc with an aim to help Inverclyde become more dementia Friendly – and to achieve our overall aim to build a dementia friendly Scotland.  

Day Opportunities Service - Our day centre provides therapeutic activities for those living with dementia, whilst at the same time the service provides welcome respite breaks for the carer. Referrals for this service are made through Access 1st (Inverclyde HSCP):Telephone - 01475 714646.  Email -

Young Onset Service - The aim of the Young Onset Service is to support people with an early onset diagnosis to enable them to maintain their interests and activities; - or introduce them to new community activities as their abilities change.  Referrals can be made via PDS Link Workers, Dementia Advisor or contact us on 01475 261100 for more details.


Physically Accessible: Fully
Dementia Friendly: Yes

Key Info

Opening Hours

Mon. 9am - 4.30pm
Tue. 9am - 4.30pm
Wed. 9am - 4.30pm
Thu. 9am - 4.30pm
Fri. 9am - 4.30pm
Sat. Closed
Sun. Closed

Notes - Closed: 1/2 January, 25/26 December. 24 Hour Dementia Helpline (freephone)0808 808 3000

Service Usage

Cost: Free

Details of Costs

All our community groups are free. Donations are kindly accepted

Eligibility Criteria

Anyone living with Dementia, their family, friends, carers, anyone in the community who like more information and/or advice

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