Greenock Glenpark Harriers

Voluntary Organisation or Charity

Last updated 3 weeks ago

Greenock Glenpark Harriers

Orangefield, Greenock, PA15 (around km away)
Greenock Glenpark Harriers
Other Sports Mental Health Fitness

About the Service

Greenock Glenpark Harriers is a vibrant triathlon and athletics club for all fitness levels, from age 8 to 80 +. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned athlete, we have training sessions to suit you. Join us for fun, fitness, and a supportive community that helps you reach your goals


Physically Accessible: Fully
Dementia Friendly: Yes, but not speciality
Autism Friendly: Yes, but not speciality

Key Info

Opening Hours

Mon. Senior session - 6.20pm - see Facebook for venue
Tue. Junior/senior/performance session 6.25 (Ravenscraig Track)
Wed. Senior session - 6.20pm - see Facebook for venue
Thu. Junior session 6pm -7pm.
Sat. Junior session 11.30am- 12.30 - Track
Sun. Senior session 9.30am Junior cross country 12.00

Notes - Please check Facebook page for all venues and times

Service Usage

Minimum Age: 8
Maximum Age: 100
Cost: Paid

Details of Costs

If you decide that you would like to join, then the next step is to pay an annual subscription fee. This should be paid as soon as your free trial ends. Annual membership is £75 per member at the start of the season (September) and decreases gradually for new members joining later in the season. A 2nd family member is £50 and a family membership £135. As a rule you will pay whatever fee applies exactly 4 weeks after your first training session (the end of your trial period). Membership subscription covers all training sessions, the use of club facilities and much more!

Equality and Inclusion

Greenock Glenpark Harriers embraces diversity and difference and is committed to providing opportunities that are safe, inclusive, accessible, and equitable. We want our club to be equally accessible to all members of society, whatever their age, disability, gender, race, ethnicity, religion or belief, sexual orientation, or social/economic status. We focus on inclusion, not exclusion, and ensure that we provide appropriate advice to members and volunteers to ensure that everyone can participate as fully as possible. We seek to ensure that we comply with the Equality Act 2010 and the characteristics protected by it (age, disability, gender reassignment, race, religion or belief, sex, sexual orientation, marriage and civil partnership and pregnancy and maternity) and encourage our members to do so. We will seek to include everyone regardless of whether they have a protected characteristic or not. Our aim is to provide an environment where everyone feels: Welcome Represented Included in decision making Able to participate Safe and free from discrimination, bullying, harassment and vilification.

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