Community Connectors

Voluntary Organisation or Charity

Last updated 4 months ago

Community Connectors

A service by Your Voice

01475 728628
12 Clyde Square, Greenock, PA15 1NB (around km away)
Your Voice Website
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About the Service

YOU MATTER... How can we help?
COMMUNITY CONNECTORS can help you get out and about, develop friendships and support, deal with financial and life challenges, and improve your health and wellbeing through social prescribing There can be many things that can make people less confident going out and getting involved within the community. Community Connectors can provide the conversation, motivation and encouragement that someone needs to get back on track, and take part in activities or interests to improve their health and wellbeing. 

To make a referral: 

  • Referrals can be made online, by email, phone, post or in person. You can also drop into the Your Voice Community Hub in Clyde Square – no appointment necessary! 
  • Community Connectors can arrange a meeting at the individual’s home, or at a community location to discuss and explore options - whatever suits you best.
  • Community Connectors can initially assist people to engage in activities of their choice, with an aim to building their confidence and capacity.

Health and Social Care professionals, organisations, family members and individuals can refer to the Community Connectors.

The emphasis of the role is on creating opportunities to bring people together, maintaining, encouraging and creating networks and friendships, promoting activities and assisting people to overcome any barriers. 

With an ageing population, increasing loneliness, isolation and the increasing prevalence of poor mental health there is a real need for this community based approach. There are a variety of community assets and activities people can be connected to and benefit from, including:

  • Peer support groups
  • Social hubs
  • Church groups
  • Helping Agencies
  • Specific hobbies & interests
  • Physical Activity


Physically Accessible: Fully
Dementia Friendly: Yes, but not speciality
Autism Friendly: Yes

Key Info

Opening Hours

Mon. 9am - 4.30pm
Tue. 9am - 4.30pm
Wed. 9am - 4.30pm
Thu. 9am - 4.30pm
Fri. 9am - 4.30pm

Service Usage

Cost: Free

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