Voluntary Organisation or Charity
Last updated 2 years ago
Mon. | Ravenscraig Stadium 5 - 6.30 Seniors and Young Athletes |
Tue. | Ravenscraig Stadium 5 - 6 Seniors and Young Athletes Inverclyde Academy 2g Pitch - 6 - 7 Young Athletes |
Wed. | Greenock Sports Centre 5 - 6 Minis Ravenscraig Stadium 4.30 - 5. 30 Young Athletes & 6 - 7.30 Seniors |
Thu. | Ravenscraig Stadium 4.45 - 5.45 Young Athletes Battery Park 6 - 7 Seniors and Young Athletes |
Sat. | Ravenscraig Stadium 10.00 - 11.30 Seniors and Young Athletes |
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