About the Service
Inverclyde Foodbank opened in September 2012 as part of The i58 Project, a social action ministry of Greenock Elim Church. Since opening the Foodbank has provided emergency food provisions for over 29,000 people who have experienced short- term emergency. The Foodbank operates through a team of around 20 dedicated volunteers. People visit the Foodbank for variety of reasons ranging from sudden financial crisis due to changes or delays in benefit payments, sickness, unexpected bills, homelessness, debt, addiction, redundancy or unemployment. The Foodbank works in partnership with over 100 local agencies including community groups, charities, statutory agencies / surgeries, faith groups and housing agencies who issue vouchers to those in crisis and refer them to Foodbank for help. Vouchers are exchanged at the Foodbank for three to five days of food and other essential items such as toiletries. However, the Foodbank is more than just a collection point for emergency food; it is also a welcoming place where people find support. Those visiting can sit quietly and undisturbed if they wish or they can chat to volunteers who are trained to listen and refer clients for any appropriate additional help, advice and information.