Inverclyde Cricket Club

Voluntary Organisation or Charity

Last updated 1 year ago

Inverclyde Cricket Club

07771 737938
Gourock Park, George Road, Gourock, PA19 (around km away)
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Ball Games Volunteering Training

About the Service

Promotes and fosters the development of cricket by encouraging interest and participation across all age ranges and providing opportunities to anyone interested in trying cricket for the first time or returning to the sport in whatever capacity. 

Access is available to all and opportunities are available in playing, coaching, umpiring and generally assisting the club in its junior and senior league games and practice sessions as well as its social events.


Physically Accessible: Fully
Dementia Friendly: Yes
Autism Friendly: Yes

Key Info

Opening Hours

Tue. Senior Practice 6-8pm
Sat. Junior Training 10.00- 11.30am

Service Usage

Minimum Age: 6
Cost: Paid

Details of Costs

Annual Subscription:- Adult £60; Student £30; Junior £20 per child or £30 for family with more than one child; Country Member £10

Eligibility Criteria

The Club operates an Equal Opportunities and Open to All policy where no application for membership will be refused on other than reasonable grounds. There will be no discrimination on grounds of age, race, creed, colour, gender, gender reassignment, disability, occupation, religion or belief, pregnancy or maternity, sexual orientation, political or other opinion, marital status or civil partnership, having or not having dependants; and where there is equality of opportunity in terms of the playing rights and the rights of members to attend General Meetings, vote and hold office.

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