Welfare Benefit Advice

Voluntary Organisation or Charity

Last updated 1 year ago

Welfare Benefit Advice

A service by Financial Fitness

01475 729239
29 West Stewart Street, Greenock, PA15 1SH (around km away)
Our Website
Benefits Debt and Money Advice Covid-19

About the Service

Our office is open 5 full days per week, Monday to Friday. Staff are working both from home and in the office and we are offering face-to-face appointments as well as telephone appointments. Call 01475 729 239 or email finfitteam@yahoo.co.uk to make an appointment.

Financial Fitness are a charity who's aim is to relieve the poverty of Inverclyde residents through information, advice and guidance. Our main service is free, independent welfare benefit advice for all Inverclyde residents, regardless of age, background or status. We can offer benefit checks, form filling support, income maximisation advice, advocacy and support to submit Mandatory Reconsiderations and Appeals etc., to help ensure local people claim and maintain the correct amount of benefits they are entitled to. We also support unemployed working age individuals to make the financial transition from benefits into employment by maximising their income and accessing in-work and return to work benefits.

Thanks to funding from the Warm Hand of Friendship Small Grant Fund, funded by Inverclyde Council and administered by CVS Inverclyde, we are now providing additional telephone triage support for Inverclyde residents between November 2022 and March 2023. Contact us on the telephone number or email address above to book a telephone triage appointment.


Physically Accessible: Partially

Key Info

Opening Hours

Mon. 8.45am - 4.45pm
Tue. 8.45am - 4.45pm
Wed. 8.45am - 4.45pm
Thu. 8.45am - 4.45pm
Fri. 8.45am - 3.50pm

Downloadable File 1

Service Usage

Minimum Age: 0
Maximum Age: 115
Cost: Free

Eligibility Criteria

All Inverclyde residents are eligible to access our advice services.

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